Dedicated to ensuring families with Parkinson’s have the right information, education and support needed to live positively with Parkinson’s. To receive support from a Parkinson's Educator you will need to complete our referral form.
Parkinson’s Educators provide both personalised and group support for families living with Parkinson’s. Our services include home visits, support groups, educational seminars, advocacy and whānau meetings as well as referrals to other health professionals. Parkinson’s Educators provide answers to any questions you or your whānau may have on the condition including medication, treatment and support available.
Our Parkinson’s Educators are available to support a person and their whānau throughout the stages of Parkinson’s. In this video our Clinical Manager shares how the team support people with Parkinson’s in Aotearoa.
One of our Parkinson’s Educators will visit you at your home* and answer any questions you or your whānau may have about Parkinson’s, including medication, treatment and support available. We develop a plan with you, and follow up annually.
* If there is no Parkinson’s Educator in your region this service will be offered by phone or videoconference.
Parkinson’s Educators can help with information about managing side effects of medication including, ‘on and off’ periods and sleep problems as well as Parkinson’s specific exercises.
Our Parkinson’s Educators liaise with and can refer you to health professionals including speech therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and others.
There are a variety of support groups for different needs. These are facilitated by one of our Parkinson’s Educators and can be face-to face or online.
At times you may need some help to discuss your Parkinson’s diagnosis or symptoms with others. Our Parkinson’s Educators can support you, whether it is a conversation with your GP, specialist, employer or whānau.
Our Parkinson’s Educators are available throughout the year for phone advice and support.
Parkinson’s Educators hold seminars throughout the year to improve understanding of Parkinsonism conditions. One highly valued seminar is our newly diagnosed course for people who have been diagnosed with Parkinson’s within the last two years.
* Not all seminars are available in every region.
After the initial home visit we will provide support, including referrals to other health professionals, by telephone or video conference unless another home visit is necessary.
We offer education sessions for health professionals who support people living with Parkinson's.
Our standardised education session 'what is Parkinson's, care and treatment' is run by one of our Parkinson's Educators and comes with a professional development certificate.
If specific training is required, we can also offer a tailored programme.
We have developed a one-hour online module with the Goodfellow unit for primary care clinical staff to gain a better understanding of Parkinson's, its management and treatment. This course can be found at
If you would like more information about our education sessions, please email
Our Parkinson’s Educators are available in many regions throughout Aotearoa, New Zealand and also available by phone.